15.06 Grammar
To ask where someone is going to (headed) use “O fea”
followed by the word to referrence the person(s)
followed by the action word fllowed by “iai”
To ask where someone is going to do something
structure the sentence the same way except
instead of “iai” use “ai”
So to ask “where are you walking to? (where are you headed)
you would ask: “O fea e te savali iai?”
But to ask “Where are you walking? (where are you walking at/or where do you walk at)
you would ask: “O fea e te savali ai?”
Use “I le” followed by the vocabulary word for the place to respond to either question. The response will mean either “at
the” or “to the”
Remember to match the form of the action word to the number of people you are referring to
(eg. Use “savavali” instead of “savali” if asking where more than one person is headed)