Thank you for visiting us. We are updating our website. Our course is currently being migrated over to our new system and we will update here when it is ready to go. For now, you can read about it below.
Learn to speak Samoan online!
The Samoan 101 language course includes the following to make learning Samoan easy:
- 20 complete lessons, which include a mid-term and final assessment.
- Over 700 audio clips of vocabulary words, sentences, and dialogues.
- 360 audio quiz questions with immediate feedback to aid comprehension.
- Over 300 images to visually aid learners to memorize lesson vocabulary and begin thinking in Samoan.
- 100+ sentences with vocabulary that can be interchanged to create an exponential number of new sentences and phrases to build confidence and fluency.
Programmed Learning Approach
This Samoan Language Course uses a programmed learning approach. Each lesson builds on the previous lesson materials. Giving a comprehensive and expanding language base.
Language is an expression of ideas through the medium of sentences. Samoan 101 will show you properly built sentences and give you numerous vocabulary words that can be substituted or inter-changed to make new sentences. The grammar section of each lesson will give you greater understanding of how this inter-change can work and help you create your own original sentences. As you begin to make your own sentences to express your ideas, YOU’RE SPEAKING SAMOAN!!!! CHAAAAHOOOO!!!
Building off the success of our free Samoan language lessons format, we have enhanced our fee-based Samoan 101 Course lessons with grammatical explanations for the material covered in each lesson, audio quizzes to test your retention and understanding of spoken Samoan, and a midterm and final to test your understanding of the concepts learned throughout the duration of the course. Each lesson still includes Samoan phrases, sentences, dialogues, plus double the vocabulary to make for a more varied and expanding language base.
Geared for Everyone
Are you married to a Samoan who doesn’t (or won’t) speak Samoan at home? Did you grow up without the opportunity to learn Samoan but have always wanted to? Do you have Samoan friends and want to join in on their conversations? Is there a brown-skinned cutie in your class that you’ve been dying to talk to but doesn’t speak a lick of English ‘cause of being Fresh Off the Boat?
We can help in any of these situations, except maybe the cutie. (Try brushing your teeth first.) For the rest of you though, you can learn to speak Samoan to your friends and loved ones. Your kids can learn to speak too. The key to this successful approach is three-fold.
First, there are audio clips for each lesson section. The audio is of native Samoan speakers. You can hear how words and sentences should be said with proper accents and intonations. You can play them over and over until you can say them correctly without annoying a spouse or parent to constantly repeat a phrase. If an adult is willing to go through the lessons with a child, the audio makes it possible that children can hear how to properly pronounce sentences and phrases. (Don’t be surprised if your young child picks up Samoan faster than you!) The audio clips make it possible for anyone to learn to hear, recognize, and understand Samoan. The audio clips also give you the opportunity to repeat out loud Samoan words and sentences to aid in your own pronunciation and fluency.
Second, focus on conversational Samoan. The Samoan language we are teaching is of a conversational nature. The kind you would most likely hear around the house, amongst friends or family, and in everyday use. This gives you the opportunity to immediately begin using what you’ve learned, which will aid your retention. It will give you opportunity to talk to children so they may begin to understand.
Third, all the content is available online. Maybe you’ve wanted to take a course in Samoan at a local college but can’t make the time to take the class. Maybe it’s not even offered where you live. Our course is available 24/7 anywhere you may have Internet access.
Samoan 101 is available anytime you are, is of a conversational nature making it easy to find situations to begin using it, and is full of audio clips to aid in proper speaking and understanding of spoken Samoan.
Our fee-based course provides 365 days of access to the Samoan Language materials. Allow yourself around 2½ weeks per lesson to finish on time. However, you are not limited to this time frame. Since all the course materials are available any time, you can complete the course materials as quickly as you’d like. Additionally, you can repeat the quizzes as many times as you wish until you’ve reached proficiency. They, like the midterm and the final, are milestones. So, if you are not passing these milestones with at least 90% proficiency it is not advisable to move on to the next lesson.
Following your paid subscription, the NEXT BUSINESS DAY you will receive an email containing your login information. You will have unlimited access to the course for 1 YEAR from the time you receive your login information email.