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"E le lelei lo'u fa'asamoa. Ae, ou te taumafai."
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Samoan 101
Samoan 101
15.05 Sentences
‘O fea tou te o iai?
Where are you (3+) walking (to)?
‘O fea lua te nonofo ai?
Where are you two staying/sitting (at)?
‘O fea e te savali iai?
Where are you walking (to)?
‘O fea e te savali ai?
Where are you walking (at)?
(Where do you walk?)
I le paka.
To the park.
I le faletalimalo.
At the hotel.
I nofoa lae.
On those chairs. (over there away from us)
I le fale meli.
To the post office.
I le malaeta’alo a le aoga.
At the school’s athletic field.
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